April 24th, 2021
We went off to find a caboose I had spotted south of Bretville Jct a few days earlier while on errands, catching CN 189 and some four-axle power betwen Bretville and Clover Bar before lunch. After lunch, we returned to Bretville, finding CN 818 heading down the Camrose sub, CN 242 grain train heading east out of the city, CN 119 crossing the bridge, and CN 443 crossing off of the Camrose.
Edmonton, Alberta
Edmonton is the capital of Alberta and a very busy railroad city.
CN 189 crosses into Edmonton at Bretville Junction.
A mix of four four-axle units pull into Scotford yard.
Grain train CN 818 passes CN 443 just south of Bretville Jct.
Grain train CN 242 departs Edmonton.
CN 119 crosses the bridge into Edmonton.
CN 443 crosses the bridge into Edmonton as it comes off the Camrose sub. Camera 1/2.
CN 443 crosses the bridge into Edmonton as it comes off the Camrose sub. Camera 2/2.