1306 results for 2004-07; refer to date index:
2004-07-02July 2nd, 2004
Laura and I had to run into town for a minute and caught GEXR at CN Guelph Junction running light.
2004-07-03July 3rd, 2004
CSX units led 432 through Guelph at lunch time on Saturday.
2004-07-04July 4th, 2004
CSX SD70ACes ran light through Guelph running as GEXR's only power for 432/431.
2004-07-05July 5th, 2004
Laura and I caught OSR up at the interchange. They headed South a few minutes later with about 30 cars down to lower yards and PDI.
2004-07-08July 8th, 2004
We had reason to believe that GEXR 432 may be carrying the long dead 177 and 901 GP9s that had spent a long time parked in Kitchener and been moved on July 7th into Kitchener yard. When the train did finally come, it had neither the GP9s nor the CSX engines it had recently been sporting, but was exceedingly long.
2004-07-11July 11th, 2004
Laura and I ran up to the North end of town to run some errands when we got a call from Steve that 432 was on its way and OSR was to move a transformer. We caught 432 at CN Guelph Junction/Alma Rd. Later in the day, Chris and I caught 431 at Alma/Guelph Jct again and then going over the Hanlon as they set off some cars at the Junction. Then we moved on to River Run centre where we caught OSR with a little flatbed and a transformer with no time to spare - they arrived at the same time we did.
2004-07-14July 14th, 2004
During the afternoon, between rain storms, Laura and I headed to Scotch Block and back via Guelph Junction. We caught a UP SD70M at mile 30, and a CEFX-led 121 car train at the Junction.
2004-07-17July 17th, 2004
Laura and I tried to go to Ingersoll for the day and found it dead as a doornail. After several hours of boredom, we headed for home and the parade finally started. We went on to the small community of Creditville where we watched the parade until we got too hungry.
2004-07-25July 25th, 2004
We went to Ottawa Linux Symposium from July 21st to 24th and on the way back on the 25th stopped for a few minutes of trainspotting at Belleville.
2004-07-30July 30th, 2004
CP 9300, the last in CP's 6000HP roster for me to photograph, was heard at Coakley so I headed down to the Junction to watch it.